Queen Marsha Buchanan

How We Met
It was 2010 and Marsha Buchanan and Monique Mitchell were using my house to finish up their documentary, but things went left before the guests ever arrived.
"You guys have about two hours to film and then I have a date. So, hurry up!"
Monique already knew the tea, but poor Marsha was still in the dark.
"Who's this date? What's his name?" she asked.
"Do I know him?"
Poor thing.
Giggling, I replied, "HER name is (no one cares anymore)."
Back then, I was ready to go toe to toe with anyone who had anything to say about my preferences, but this time was different.
There was a pause.
Monique snickered.
Marsha's eyes bounced between the two of us as she searched for answers.
Then, the silence broke.
"Oh, OK." she said. "Ain't nobody tell me nothing."
Despite my boldness, I knew it was a tough pill to swallow. At the time, I had not even come out to my family, but now all my sister-friends knew. It was liberating!
The awkwardness didn't last long because Marsha has a heart of gold. She didn't batter me with The Word or offer to pray the gay away. She did just as Jesus would do: She loved me through it. We met in the School of Journalism and Graphic Communication at Florida A&M University.
Since then, we've been through many ups and downs, but our bond never wavered.
In 2012, when Dr. James Hawkins passed, Marsha called. Her voice brought me comfort. He was a father figure to me, but he was our dean. When her heart breaks, my heart breaks.
It's been 10 years since we first met, and I feel closer to her now than when we first met. Sadly, I was not mature enough to appreciate her friendship until now.
Last year, I got a chance to see her for the first time in nearly four years. Our reunion was magical. It was something like the final see of the Color Purple. She is my Nettie and I am her Celie.
When I look in her eyes, I see God's glory. I see his love.
I'm so glad He chose to bless me with her friendship.
Marsha, you are too dope for words.
About Marsha
Marsha Buchanan is an Award-winning and result-driven marketing & public relations professional. This strategic thinker is known for procuring explosive results for her clients. She operates as the main public relations/marketing day-to-day person for Cooper Tire, which is the largest and highest billed client at the Zimmerman Agency. Marsha is a Senior Account Coordinator developing strategic campaigns and launching major initiatives for Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue and Seventeen Magazine.
Marsha holds a broadcast journalism degree from Florida A&M University and a master’s degree in integrated marketing management from Florida State University. When she’s not managing brands, Marsha is a bonified baker specializing in delectable red velvet cakes and good ol’ southern pound cakes made from scratch. Entrepreneur by heart, Marsha is a PR guru by day and a self-taught baker at night. Marsha B’s Bakery will turn your taste buds inside out.
How You Can Find Marsha
Facebook: Marsha Buchanan
Instagram: @Marshabcan
Snapchat: @Marshabcan
Twitter: @Marshabcan