Queen Shani Curry-St. Vil

How We Met
When Shani Curry- St. Vil took the stage, I abducted my neighbor's pen and I pulled my notebook in close.
With every bullet point, I attempted to capture the words that escaped her mouth.
*waves hand from back pew*
Amen. Amen.
I know that's right.
Shani took me to church!
While I was surrounded by dozens of women, it felt as if she was speaking directly to me. Her wisdom reverberated so loudly inside my ears that it pierced straight through my heart. I was convicted.
My relationship with money is a game I can't seem to win, but Shani has the cheat codes.
We first met at Tips and Tea: a conference for women in business. We were two of three featured speakers for the event and the only two to show up. It was fate.
When she walked into the room, all eyes wandered her way. That must be Shani.
"Wow! Honey is beat,OK!" I whispered to my friends.
She wore a beautiful white dress. The vintage ensemble hugged every curve and her hair was whipped at just the right point. Honey looked regal. Her makeup was just the icing on a well stacked cake.
Shani's words are life. In her book, 10 Things Every Woman Should Keep in Her purse, she teaches women how to find financial freedom. She tackles everything from where you eat for lunch to increasing your credit score.
Shani studied mass communications, but she forfeited her dreams of sitting behind an anchor desk to write her own story. Shani has found her ministry. She is using her gifts to set women free.
Shani, you are too dope for words.
About Shani
Shani can be seen as a guest, Personal Finance Expert on CBS Miami 4, a contributing Writer to Black Enterprise and on Amazon as a Published Author of 10 things Every Woman Should Keep in her purse sharing her passion to ensure that women every where focus less on how much their bags cost, and more on the wealth inside of them!
Shani Curry St.Vil, is a communications graduate of Florida Atlantic University, that came to understand Personal Finance by Boosting her own Credit Score to become a homeowner at the age of 22,spending a decade understanding financial products as a banker, and deciding to skip out on a wedding and purchase opting to partner with her husband in creating a real estate portfolio that now includes 3 properties.
How You Can Find Shani
Website: http://www.purseempowerment.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PurseEmpowerment/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bap305
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pursempowerment