Queen Dominique Johnson

How We Met
Dominique Johnson is a mystery. I've known her nearly three years and I still can't tell you what she does. The one hour we've spent in the same room was eerily similar to an episode of Scandal.
It was late in the night in a city that shall remain nameless to protect innocent parties. She said she was only in town for day so, I hopped in the car and drove right over. She met me at the door and escorted me to her room.
Oh my God! She's more beautiful in person.
When I walked into the apartment, I was shocked. It was fully furnished. It almost looked like she lived there but I knew better. Dominique is always on the move.
At any time of the year, there's always a 90% chance that she's not even in the country. And, whatever country I think she's in, she just left to fix some kind of event crisis on another continent.
Inside this space she called home for 24 hours, we picked up right where we left off.
"How are you? How is everything?" she asked.
While we have 1,000 mutual friends, we'd never met in person. We found each other on Instagram. I just wanted to know who the cutie was liking all my pictures so, I started an investigation. I turned to the one mutual friend I trusted the most, Queen Lauren Grant. Lauren assured me that she was good people citing their days at Florida A&M University.
After Lauren's green light to befriend Dominique, we exchanged numbers and began checking up on each other like sisters do.
The year two thousand-fourteen was the year of my Audra McDonald obsession, but unlike my closest friends, Dominique didn't judge me. For three months, there wasn't a day that went by without me tweeting and/or talking about this legendary Broadway artist. She was playing Billie Holiday in Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill in New York City and Dominique said we should go. She promised to take care of the room and the tickets. All I had to do was get there from Shreveport, Louisiana. So, I saved my money and started a national countdown; I put America on notice. Days before the show, Dominique disappeared. Long story short, I went to the show on my own, sat in the front row and got my picture with Audra. Once again, Dominique was in the middle of a crisis.
Fortunately, friendship is more than the trips you never took and promises never fulfilled. Dominique shows up when it matters the most. She hates talking on the phone, but if I call, she answers. She also has a special powers. She knows exactly when I need a word of encouragement. It's like she can feel it. I call her "Super Nique."
Whether it's a Facebook message or a text from a place far away, she finds me when I am broken. One time, she even put her precious Nana on the phone. Her voice and her humor warmed my heart. I may not know what she does for a living but I know what her friendship does to my soul.
Dominique, you are too dope for words.
About Dominique
Dominique N. Johnson and her firm, provide operations, logistics, and aesthetics services to her clients. MI:21 have been solely responsible for various companies, product, and brand launches of businesses ranging from small, medium, and large corporations. Her finesse in the understanding of business operations overall has allowed her clients to continue to claim significant profit increases and exposure in their respective markets.
Dominique N. Johnson has been a part of her client's company business development team. She is responsible for their brand management, additional revenue streams, and logistical product management. Ms. Johnson has worked with such corporations as Countrywide Home Loans, Sears, CareerBuilder, McDonald's, Marriott, and AEG Worldwide.
Johnson is a graduate of Florida A &M University's School of Business and Industry, she holds a dual degree in business administration with a concentration in marketing and international affairs. She also holds a Masters of Business Administration degree in global management from University of Phoenix.
How You Can Find Dominique
Instagram: @Ms_Mogul
Twitter: @Ms_ Mogul
Website: www.m21i.com