Queen Kisha Payen

How We Met
God told me to share my journey, but I ran.
Crying and pacing, I explained to my friend by phone that I didn’t want to be obedient, but God had a grip on my heart. I couldn’t rest until I testified.
So, I made a Facebook video. Yes, I’m that girl; the one who you think should just buy a journal instead of putting all her business on Facebook.
I immediately regretted posting. I briefly thought about taking it down, but people started to share it.
It was working. He was working.
It was one of the hardest things I had ever done, but my tears were not in vain.
Kisha Payen saw the video. We met in the School of Journalism and Graphic Communication at Florida A&M University. We had not seen each other in years, but thankfully, social media helped bridge the gap.
“GA, come to Miami and speak at my conference in November...say yes,” she wrote in a private message.
I immediately said “yes.” There was no need to pray about it because I knew that God had set me up. When the storm first began to roll in, I knew that my tears served a greater purpose.
Sometimes you go through things just so you can tell someone that He’s able. This too shall pass.
Two months later, she flew me from Atlanta to Miami for Tips and Tea: Women in Business.
The annual conference is an opportunity for women around South Florida to come together and learn valuable tips for both professional and personal growth.
The theme was Real Talk with the Real You.
I diligently worked on my presentation trying to be careful not to leave anything out and cautious about saying too much. I just wanted to be real.
My best friends, Camille Washington and Dr. Roxanne Samuels, traveled from Tampa and St. Petersburg to support me. Gently applying lashes and adjusting my wig, they made sure I was all dolled up. This was love in its purest form.
The venue was breathtaking. It looked like someone’s wedding day. I ducked off into a separate room so that I could focus on the message.
Finally, people started to pour in. The room was filled with beautiful shades of brown. There were women present from various backgrounds and walks of life. We were different, but we all had the same goals; we wanted to heal and we wanted to grow.
From the opening prayer to the closing speaker, the conference was a revival. The energy in that place was refreshing. I cried the whole way though my presentation. They were tears of joy.
Before I could sit down good, there was a line of women standing by with hugs and affirmations. It felt like God was reaching out. That moment was confirmation. If I had not listened to God and posted the video, Kisha never would have known that I had something to say. No one ever would have heard my testimony.
Every time I think of Kisha, my heart smiles. Because of her, I am stronger. Because of her, I am led to empower even more women. Because of her, I know I am safe in His arms.
Thank you for being a willing vessel.
Kisha, you are too dope for words.
About Kisha
Kisha Payen is a Haitian-American media and business personality. Kisha is known for her liveliness on and off the stage. Although the owner of an integrated marketing firm Ameliorate Strategies & Development Group, Kisha has gained recognition for her natural ability to speak words that inspire people to live their best lives and be most effective in their personal and professional growth. She founded the annual Tips & Tea Professionals’ Night Out, a conference for women that challenges them to face their fears and their failures and helps them to identify how to use their process to find their purpose. She produces a daily blog "According to Kisha" to spread Light, Love and Laughter for working professionals. You can follow her Mon-Thurs from 8:00pm- 10:00 pm on Shekinah English Radio by downloading the free app.
How You Can Find Kisha
Facebook: Kisha Payen
Instagram: @KishaPayen
Twitter: @KishaLeWinner
Website: www.KishaPayen.com