Queen Benét Wilson

How We Met
Sobbing, crying and shaking, I cautiously pulled my car into a vacant lot and dialed Benét Wilson.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I can’t do this anymore… Things aren’t going well. I’m miserable.”
I pictured her with her keys in her hand ready to drive to Florida from Maryland to rescue me.
Instead, she gave me advice to prepare me for my biggest fear.
She told me to document everything, send her my resume and, mostly importantly, “keep doing what you’re doing.”
“There is nothing wrong with you. You are great!” she added. "You are too good for them."
Her words ushered in a spirit of comfort.
When I got my job, I called Benét.
When I lost my job, I called Benét.
While looking for another job, I called Benét.
I always call Benét.
Whether I’m celebrating or trying to find the will to get out of bed, she’s always by my side.
Sometimes she’s wearing balloons, bells and whistles.
And, other times she’s laced with Nike’s and Vaseline.
She fights for her babies.
Affectionately known as “Aunt Benét,” this queen has been my refuge since she invited me into her hotel room when I had no place to go.
We first met eight years ago at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) conference in Tampa. My friend Olivia was rooming with her at the time, and then my room got too crowded. There were about six girls sharing two beds. Things got weird so, Benét took me in, too.
She's everyone's favorite Auntie. Forget the Christmas card you only wanted to see how much money you got, Aunt Benét uses PayPal. She even sent me a brand new toaster after I jokingly asked for one under her Facebook status. She's that great.
Benét is everything I love about NABJ. She's everything I love about family. She nurtures my gifts, she places me in front of the people who matter the most and she protects me like it's her heavenly assignment. She is an angel.
Benét, you are too dope for words.
About Benét
Benét Wilson is a freelance aviation journalist who was dubbed the "Aviation Queen" by the industry she has covered for more than 20 years. Based in Baltimore, she is one of a handful of journalists of color (you can count us on one hand) who cover aviation exclusively. She's a blogger, a commentator, a student pilot and a strong advocate for media diversity. She serves on the boards of the National Association of Black Journalists, the Online News Association and the Center for Collaborative Journalism at Mercer University. She offers advice
and counsel to journalists in different phases of their careers and is known as the Resume Queen, having done more than 300 reviews since 2009.
Benét is the proud mother of "Baby Digital," an up-and-coming player who keeps her young. She quilts, crochets and travels to keep her sanity. And she loves Georgia and all of her mentees with all her heart.
How You Can Find Benét
Twitter: @AvQueenBenet
Instagram: @aviationqueen
Websites: www.aviationqueen.com AND ResumesByBenet.com
Pinterest: @aviationqueen
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/benetwilson