Jan 5, 2017
Queen Shari' Nycole
How We Met Shari’ Nycole Welton is not even my friend. I borrowed her from the dozens of friends we share, and I don’t plan on giving her...

Jan 4, 2017
Queen Gloria Mason
How We Met I tried to scrolling through our friendship on Facebook to pin point the moment I stopped hating Gloria Mason, but this is...

Jan 3, 2017
Queen Lauren Grant
How We Met Roaming the aisles of the campus career fair, a familiar face caught my eye. She was the high-energy recruiter from Nielsen...

Jan 2, 2017
Queen Monique Mitchell
How We Met When I first met Monique Mitchell, it was anything but love at first sight. I caught myself sizing her up. I thought that we...

Jan 1, 2017
Queen Rachel Hill
How We Met Rachel Hill shimmied her way into my life one breathtaking photo at a time. She's the travel queen who sprinkles flight deals...

Jan 1, 2017
Too Dope for Words: An Open Letter to Dope Queens
Dear Queen My relationship with you is of great importance. You are a reflection of me and everything I value about sisterhood. When I...